Wednesday, November 17

Never Judge A Blog By Its Title

Things can always be a million times worse than you ever expect them to be.


I love 1:00 AM. So much energy! I could take on the world!!
*Peter Pan pose*
Bada bada ba ba baaaaa.
So why am I up at so late an hour?
What a silly question. I'm always up late.
But actually, I have a reason tonight!
*serious face*

=D =D =D

I never get tired of shooting stars. ^.^

It's supposed to peak at 3:00, and I do realize that I could probably just go to sleep and wake up then.
But honestly. My bed is so comfy... And... Warm...
Alas, I fear I might lack the strength to leave it.
So, I am staying up until 3:00 to see it. made much more sense in my head...
I'll probably end up sleeping from 2:00 to 3:00 anyways. xP


After I get tired of waiting for the stars to fall, I shall begin my school.
Oh yes.
Oh no.
I do not have any plans to sleep tonight.
Bada ba ba bada ba ba!
I have confidence though.
*breaks out in a terribly illogical song from the Sound of Music*
I've survived co-op with only two hours of sleep before.
"I will survive!"
Aaaand! I have a nap-date with the gazebo bench after lunch.
Needless to say, if anyone dares to occupy the bench I mentally reserved during that space of time.
I will be...
*dinosaur face*
Not really.
I'll just sleep on the chairs in the church...


Oh man.
The fact that I can't keep those swirly lines even with the others.
It really bothers me.


Hah! I got it that time. ^.^

Been a long weeek.
But through it, I realized (like, actualy witnessed) how much God looks after His children.
I mean, really.
Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow.

"You never know what temporal days may bring,
So laugh, love, live free and sing;
When life is in discord
Praise ye the Lord."
-Paperthin Hymn, Anberlin


I am so excited for the holidays!
I can't wait to watch the Macy's Day Parade and football!
Oh, and Thanksgiving dinner, of course. ;)
I am supposed to make something, buuuut...
I don't know what to make?
Bahh, cranberry sauce? :P

Oh! Today is the Thanksgiving lunch at co-op!
I probably won't eat it because I didn't make anything.
I am one failure of a contribution to society.
Ohh well.

Keesum is coming! I'm excited for that too!!
Going to Oregon!!
Oh goodness, I'm so excited!
Coldness, snow, DAD!, GRANDPARENTS!, Portland!!
December 15th, come faster?


You know what's terrible?
I always get so annoyed when people*coughcoughvampirecoughcough* delete their blog posts.
It shows up on my feed, and I click it only to come face to face with disappointment.
"This is no longer available."
But the terrible part is that I delete mine too!
Very often!
It's terrible!!
I am such a hypocrite.


The Icarus Account came out with a new EP yesterday!


Aaand. I'm getting tired.
So this is all.

Goodnight (or morning), my loves.


"Even when it rains,
The sun's still ablaze;
And right now in the dark
You're my shooting star."
Yellow Shirt, The Icarus Account (meep!)

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