Tuesday, August 30

Good Morning, Dead Fish

I was going to post something about how much I hate people, but then this song came on my iPod and I decided to post it instead.

Friday, August 26

At My Wedding...

At my wedding, I think I'd like to have jell-O in place of a cake.

Like... like. Like dem English princess. Jelly.

Friday, August 19


Sleeping Beauty was, is, and shall continue to be the best Disney Princess in existence.

Even though, as my mother and brother pointed out, I haven't seen The Little Mermaid or Aladdin, I'm still sure of this fact.

I put it on hold at the library and finally got to watch it again last night for the first time in like, eight years. Today I'm going to watch Anastasia? I guess she's a Russian princess? Yeah. Should be interesting, but I doubt it'll be better than Sleeping Beauty.

Did you know that all girls are princesses? Well, it's true. All of them. Every single one.

figured i should post something happy, since the last few posts have been a tiny bit depressing. :]

Monday, August 15

I Wish...

I wish there was a carreer path which required you to act like a 7 year old all day, and finger paint, and get your clothes grass stained. And all the other fun things that go with being a child.

I'm nervous. I don't know if I can do this.

But then I think... if so many other people have succeeded, and started out just like me, why can't I do it, too?

Friday, August 12


                                      please don't forget me

Tuesday, August 2

"She Was, In Fact, As Transparent As Water"

Sometimes I wish I was invisible.

sometimes i think the world would be better off if i was