Friday, October 26

The Tears Are Starting...

Tonight, on the way home from the sock hop. The tears started to start coming. I held them back, of course. But they were still there. What benefit does the world inherit from held-back tears? I do not kn I'm going to miss them so much... All these precious times... Seeing them having fun, enjoying themselves, even if it means looking like idiots. I'm going to miss having a place beside them. The funny dancing. Feeling comfortable dancing like crazy around them. Being able to sign to my favorite signs and everyone being cool with it. The cute secret crushes that Blondie never seems to get over ;] The shy couples... Knowing everyone's name. Knowing guys who are cool with asking me to dance. The familiar hugs at the end of the night... The tears didn't come tonight, but they'll be here eventually. And it'll be one heck of a hard job getting them to leave...

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