Friday, April 19

Do You See What I See?

       This week in class, I learned that the earth revolves around the sun, which is the center of a solar
 system. Ours is the only system which is constantly on one limb of the ever-turning Milky Way galaxy, one of thousands upon thousands of others in the known universe. I saw the glory of God in the remains of a star which died possibly thousands of years ago--yeah, it's still shining. It was amusing--the funny theories little men have come up with, postulating about causes and reactions, all just guesses at what has been set in the eternal mind of God as effortlessly as the wind would carry a feather. Learning about His creation and genius in stars was intimate and thrilling, just like falling in love--with the pulling of my heart and knot in my throat, without the accompanying fear. Just awe-struck love.

       You know what star is my favorite?

My star. Because it is mine. Because it gave light to the rose in my garden, which grew and grew, that was tamed and tamed. And... "You are responsible...forever...for what you tame." 

Do you see it? Please... Please see it.

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