Monday, August 30

"If You Gots The Poison, I Gots The Remedy, The Remedy..."

I have returned from the District of Columbia. =)

It was pretty cool.

Anyways, it's August 30th! Which means only one more whole day of August! =D Yusssssss.

Honestly, August was just stupid. Bad month. Bad. D:<

September Day is near! And we all know what that means...


From the bestest place in the world ever. ^.^

Aaaaaaaaaand! My birthday in 15 days after that! Haha(=

I've decided to actually have a party this year. I might regret it, who knows.

I'm trying to plan it, and the worst part is, I have to figure out who to invite. Why is this always so hard?

And the answer to that question is--people (including my little self) are stupid and awkward and... urgh.

But I*eye twitch*... them. Phew! xP

Seriously, though. It's the most complicated thing ever. D:

I'll figure it out though, somehow or another. =)

I can't think of anything else new coming up...

Let's hope for a pleasant surprise, shall we? :]


"The remedy is the experience. 
This is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy is that it's serious. 
This is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend 
The rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends 
When it all amounts to nothing in the end." -Jason M.

Tuesday, August 24

I Chose D.C.

Sorry, Mad Dancing Skills, you'll have to wait until spring to finally show yourself.

Monday, August 23

Decisions, Decisions...

 So, this week, I am faced with a semi-hard problem.

To go, or not to go?

To stay, or not to stay?

You see, there's a rally in Washington D.C. this weekend, and my mom is going with some friends of hers, and she really wants me to go.


There's also a homeschool dance on Saturday.

At first, I had decided to just go to Washington, because lately I've been desperate for some way--any way-- to get out of Florida, and it seems far away enough, for now. Plus, the last dance I went to... I still don't know if I enjoyed it, or hated it. I enjoyed seeing my friends enjoy it, but at the same time, it was a just a little awkward.

Buuuuuut. If I go to D.C., I'll be missing : 4 lessons of math, a biology test and the first art class. D: And who knows about the dance; the last time was the first one, and it might be better, and there might be more people, and the music might be less [detestable]. I would have to miss Micah's football game, too, which I don't like. Also, I flipped a coin, and it said to stay and go to the dance.
"The lot is cast in the lap, but it's every decision is from the Lord."
It says that, somewhere, in the Bible. ;)

Soooo, I'm torn in two. Do I stay or do I go?

What would you do, Reader?

Friday, August 20


Good evening, my kind new reader!

   I have nothing to blog about at this exact moment except for the fact that--I now have a blog! I am quite excited, and I hope you will check in to see me often!

   My goal for this blog is to express myself honestly and clearly(as I'm not quite good at it, in the first place, you might know), encourage my readers and most importantly to glorify God. I wish this blog to be amusing, uplifting, exciting, thought provoking, honest and other lovely adjectives that evade my brain at the moment. ;]

   I'm sorry this first post has to be so short, but you see, there is a time limit on my internet, and it's getting quite nearly time for it to shut down, and I still have a few changes to make. There's so many details you can add, it's probably going to be days before I get it all set up and everything!

   In hopes that you continue reading,